Tunnel Car Wash in Vincennes, IN Complete Amid COVID-19 Crisis
September 19, 2020 -- Ferdinand, IN – Seufert Construction recently completed The Tunnel Car Wash, located in Vincennes, IN. Partnering with Alan Woodford with Double H Enterprises, LLC., Seufert Construction began construction on the car wash in January and amid the Coronavirus, was able to complete the scope of work in a timely manner.
The car wash provides a top-notch cleaning service for vehicles including a drive-thru wash, vacuum stations & more! Seufert’s scope of work as the general contractor was to complete the construction of the new car wash and oversee Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing & other subcontractors under the project contract.
Seufert Construction is southern Indiana's premier design/build contractor serving the industrial and commercial market. Seufert Construction provides customers with a single source solution to all design and construction needs including design, engineering, concrete and masonry, historic renovations and Leed Certified "Green" projects.